Hi there, I am Kylie Ann.

I âm a Speaker, Cacao Ceremony Facilitator, Modern Spiritual Healer and a Women’s SELF Empowerment Coach. On mission to teach and inspire each women how to reach her true potential & fulfil her wildest dreams, through Self Love Practices and Practical Manifesting - So she can truly live, her version of the Self Love Luxe Lifestyle!  


Why? Because like my former self, I see so many women living unfulfilling lives who have special gifts & dreams in their hearts. I have learnt so many life altering things that I believe every person deserves to know! And that’s what I am here to do - SHARE - Share all that I know with those who want to create a magical life for themselves.

Believe it or not, your self love and how much you value yourself, is directly related to what is or what is not showing up in your life. The truth is you get what you are a vibrational match for, believe is possible for you, and sometimes what you resist. IT’S TIME TO DROP THE STRUGGLE!

You absolutely deserve to have all your dreams in the world my dear friend, but there is one thing you need to master first and it’s all about energy baby. 

Everything in this world is made up of energy, including the chair your properly sitting on right now (I know right, #mindblown) the sooner you can learn this, understand how it works and become a vibrational match for what you really want to call into your life, the more easier, joyful and purposeful your life will become. 

And that’s exactly what I am here for and I believe your soul has guided you to me otherwise you wouldn't be reading this. 

How do I know all this? 

Through hitting my own rockbottom I discovered the reason why some people are living their dream lives and others seem to struggle…. and that’s because of some basic but POWERFUL Universal Principles. Over the past 6 years I have been coaching and done my own diving into all kinds of healing, growing, clearing patterns, remembering, and rewriting limiting stories that has transformed my entire reality and the lives of those I have coached.  

Some of you have asked what was the journey that led me to all this? 

I am a girl from a small mining town who was bullied and shy in primary school, who turned into a people pleaser and had low self esteem issues into my late twenties… These unresolved emotions lead to major stress, anxiety and a number of health issues. But my world changed in 2016, when I was introduced to an industry I had no idea existed - Personal Development.

At the time I was burnt out and broken from my corporate career, although I was successful working for worldwide companies, I was living with no passion or purpose in my life.

Little did I know that the information I learned soon after this magical moment, would change my life forever, beginning my world-wind journey into self discovery, learning how to naturally heal my body and tools to calm my mind. Opening my eyes to a whole new world, beyond what I knew before - I could take control & create my own reality.

From there Self Love Luxe Lifestyle was birthed, it was the start of my life’s work and obsession with understanding our mindsets and how to manipulate reality to work FOR us, not against us. 

Although from a young age I could communicate with the “other side” and had knowings of how this world seemed to work, these gifts were unorthodox and drummed out of me, but the more I worked on myself the more they came flooding back, and strong then ever before, in the form of Light Language and psychic abilities such as Telepathy, Channelling, Imagery and intuitive hits. 

I use these abilities in our sessions together to work through blockages, healing and crafting you're one of a kind dream life. 

And Now:

Since that moment I have continued to grow, learn and develop new skills, knowledge and techniques on how we can “Self Empower Ourselves” and create a life beyond our wildest dreams.

My life has done a 180 since the beginning of my own journey.

I now own and love who I am, have travelled the world, brought a big beautiful home with my soulmate, created two businesses of my dreams, and attracted my soul mate clients. I have so many tools up my sleeve for when my emotions & sanity gets rocked (because I want to be real with you, I am human and sometimes they do!) BUT knowing what I know now it doesn’t stay that way for long! 

So I am here to help YOU to also manifest & create the life of your dreams…..

Because Babe, it really IS POSSIBLE!

I believe I was put here on this planet to make a real difference and to awaken people to their true potential, goodness and beauty.

So if you're ready to take your life to the next level - come vibe in my world!